Chapter Information

Virginia Commonwealth Chapter of the Appraisal Institute is a professional organization which now includes over 260 chapter professionals of real estate appraisal and consulting located just west of the Virginia beach area.
Lamictal, auch unter dem generischen Namen Lamotrigin bekannt, ist ein Medikament, das häufig zur Behandlung von Epilepsie und bipolaren Störungen eingesetzt wird. Es stabilisiert die elektrische Aktivität im Gehirn, was dazu beitragen kann, Anfälle und Stimmungsschwankungen zu reduzieren.Lamictal kaufen DeutschlandBei manchen Frauen kann es während der Einnahme von Lamictal zu Veränderungen im Menstruationszyklus kommen. Dazu können unregelmäßige Perioden, stärkere Blutungen oder sogar ausbleibende Perioden gehören. Es ist wichtig, alle Änderungen mit Ihrem Arzt zu besprechen.
The Virginia Commonwealth Chapter is proud to be a part of the Appraisal Institute. Our chapter professionals are committed to the highest standard of professional appraisal practice and have been tested and trained to the highest levels of educational standards in the business. Confident in our rigorous standards of appraisal practice, we are dedicated to maintaining the highest level of professionalism and quality through a commitment to life-long learning. We encourage you to consider the benefits of the Appraisal Institute if you are looking for an appraiser or an appraisal career.

Geographic Footprint

The Virginia Commonwealth Chapter of the Appraisal Institute (VCCAI)represents members from southwest Virginia to Charlottesville to Richmond. Our membership also includes appraisers in Hampton Roads and parts of Northern Virginia.


Our Chapter is comprised of commercial and residential fee appraisers, appraisers employed by financial institutions, municipal assessors, and government employees.

New Members Wanted

Please contact us if you have interest in becoming a member of VCCAI or attending one of our meetings.